Friday, September 28, 2012

Physical Therapy Code of Ethics

There is a code of ethics for many careers. For physical therapists, the code of ethics describes how they should treat their patients, and how they should behave on a daily basis. There are many variations of codes of ethics for physical therapists. This specific code of ethics from the American Physical Therapy Association's website contains eight principles that provide the standards of behavior for physical therapists.

Physical Therapy Code of Ethics:
  1. Physical therapists shall respect the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals.
  2. Physical therapists shall be trustworthy and compassionate in addressing the rights and needs of patients/clients.
  3. Physical therapists shall be accountable for making sound professional judgments.
  4. Physical therapists shall demonstrate integrity in their relationships with patients/clients, families, colleagues, students, research partici- pants, other health care providers, employers, payers, and the public.
  5. Physical therapists shall fulfill their legal and professional obligations.
  6. Physical therapists shall enhance their expertise through the lifelong acquisition and refinement of knowledge, skills, abilities, and professional behaviors.
  7. Physical therapists shall promote organizational behaviors and business practices that benefit patients/clients and society.
  8. Physical therapists shall participate in efforts to meet the health needs of people locally, nationally, or globally.

How code corresponds to my own beliefs and values:
All of the principles are very closely related to what I believe. I have always been a passionate person towards respect and trustworthiness. I want people to be able to trust my judgment and opinions, and I also want them to be able to trust me with confidential information. I am very good at listening, so these things are very important to me. I also love learning new information. I realize that new information will teach me how to handle new situations. All of these components are not only important to me, but they are also extremely crucial to a physical therapist career.
How college is preparing me for Physical Therapy:
1. I am planning to study abroad my junior year in college. By doing this, I will be preparing myself for the eighth principle in the code of ethics for physical therapists. I will be going to a different country, and I will be helping in the efforts of meeting people’s health needs globally.
2. The sixth principle states that Physical therapists should enhance their expertise through the lifelong refinement of knowledge and skills. Since I am taking classes at MSU right now that relate to a physical therapy major, I am preparing myself to become a successful physical therapist.
3. College forces me to precisely organize my materials, due dates, and assignments. By doing this, I am preparing myself for the seventh principle. This principle distinguishes that physical therapists should promote excellent organizational skills.

Work Cited:
Barnes, John B., Janet Bezner, and Rob Batarla. "Code of Ethics for The Physical Therapist." American Physical Therapy Association., Jan. 2011. Web. 28 Sept. 2012<

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